Workshop on Personality Development

Objectives: The main objectives of the Personality Development Session for BBA II and BHM II students were as follows:

  • Time Management: The session aimed to teach students the importance of managing their time effectively. By providing practical tips and techniques, students learned how to prioritize tasks, set goals, and develop strategies for efficient time allocation. Through interactive activities and discussions, students gained insights into effective time management practices to enhance productivity and achieve a healthy personal and professional life.
  • Public Speaking: The objective was to enhance students' public speaking skills and boost their confidence in expressing themselves in front of an audience. The session focused on techniques for effective communication, including body language, vocal modulation, and structuring speeches. Students had the opportunity to practice public speaking through mock presentations and received constructive feedback to improve their skills.
  • Emotional Intelligence: The session aimed to develop students' emotional intelligence, enabling them to understand and manage their own emotions and effectively handle interpersonal relationships. Various exercises and discussions were conducted to enhance self-awareness, empathy, and emotional regulation. The students learned to recognize emotions in themselves and others, fostering better communication, teamwork, and conflict resolution.
  • Critical Thinking: The objective was to enhance students' critical thinking abilities, enabling them to analyze situations, evaluate information, and make informed decisions. The session focused on techniques such as logical reasoning, problem-solving, and decision-making. Through engaging activities and case studies, students were encouraged to think critically, challenge assumptions, and develop a rational approach to problem-solving.

Learning: Throughout the Personality Development Session, BBA II and BHM II students actively participated in various activities, discussions, and practical exercises. By engaging in these sessions, students developed a deeper understanding of time management techniques, public speaking strategies, emotional intelligence concepts, and critical thinking methodologies. They learned how to effectively manage their time to balance academic and personal commitments, boosting their overall productivity. Additionally, students gained confidence in their public speaking abilities, learned to control their body language and vocal tone, and mastered the art of delivering impactful speeches.

Moreover, the session fostered students' emotional intelligence, allowing them to develop better self-awareness, empathy, and interpersonal skills. Through various exercises, they learned to recognize and manage their emotions effectively, leading to improved communication and stronger relationships with others. Furthermore, students honed their critical thinking skills by analyzing real-life scenarios, evaluating information objectively, and making well-informed decisions. These skills are vital for their academic and professional success, enabling them to approach challenges with a rational and analytical mindset.

Outcomes: The Personality Development Session provided significant benefits to the participants. Students not only acquired essential personal and professional skills but also experienced personal growth and increased self-confidence. The knowledge and techniques gained from the session are expected to benefit them in their academic pursuits and future careers. With improved time management skills, students can maintain a healthy balance between their academic responsibilities and personal life, reducing stress and enhancing overall well-being.

Moreover, enhanced public speaking abilities enable students to express their ideas effectively and present themselves confidently in various settings, such as academic presentations, interviews, and public engagements. The development of emotional intelligence allows students to navigate interpersonal relationships more effectively, leading to better collaboration and understanding with their peers, faculty, and future colleagues. Additionally, the sharpening of critical thinking skills empowers students to approach challenges with a logical and informed perspective, setting them apart as analytical thinkers in their academic and professional spheres.

Overall, the Personality Development Session served as a valuable stepping stone for the personal and professional growth of BBA II and BHM II students. By equipping them with crucial skills and knowledge, the session empowered them to excel in their academic journey and confidently face the challenges of the real world. The acquired skills are expected to leave a lasting impact, contributing to their success and personal development well beyond the duration of the session.

Shubhashree College of Management

Affiliated to Pokhara University


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